Overview :: SD :: clara-oswald.rbx4.optitech.fr :: if br 171c1fb5a8ef

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This graph shows the traffic of the br-171c1fb5a8ef network interface. Please note that the traffic is shown in bits per second, not bytes. IMPORTANT: On 32-bit systems the data source for this plugin uses 32-bit counters, which makes the plugin unreliable and unsuitable for most 100-Mb/s (or faster) interfaces, where traffic is expected to exceed 50 Mb/s over a 5 minute period. This means that this plugin is unsuitable for most 32-bit production environments. To avoid this problem, use the ip_ plugin instead. There should be no problems on 64-bit systems running 64-bit kernels.
Field Internal name Type Warn Crit Info
bps up derive     Traffic of the br-171c1fb5a8ef interface. Unable to determine interface speed. Please install ethtool, wireless-tools, mii-tool or whatever is appropriate for the interface.
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